Thursday, March 10, 2016

Todorov's Narrative Theory

Tzvetan Todorov born in march 1, 1939 in Sofia.
  • Franco Bulgarian philosopher
  • lived in France since 1963
  • wrote several books and essays about "literary theory" thought history and culture theory
  • published a total of 21 books

Todorov's narrative theory basically state that most story's or plot lines follow the same pattern or path. there are 5 steps in this pattern:

  1. Equilibrium: The first part of the story will display a happy start, where the majority of characters are content and everything is as it should be. For example in the simpsons movie, in the first part, everything is normal and Homer is just doing chores.
  2. A Disrumption: The second part of the story will feature a problem or some thing will disrupt the happiness. In the simpsons, it begins when Homer saves a pig.
  3. Realisationtion: This part of the plot is when everyone realise the problem and it is chaos. So, the simpsons are kicked out of the Springfield and forced to move to Alaska.
  4. Restored Order: This part of the plot is when the character attempt the repair the damage and restore the problem. so, the simpsons go back and save springfield
  5. Equilibrium Again: This is the final part of the plot where the problem is resolved and normality can resume again. so, the dome is blown up and everyone is free.

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