Monday, October 12, 2015

A history of the genre of Hip-Hop

Hip Hop is a musical genre which developed alongside hip hop culture, and is commonly based on concepts of looping, rapping, freestyling, DJing, scratching, sampling and beatboxing. The music is used to express concerns of political, social and personal issues. Hip Hop began in the Bronx in New York City in the 1970s, primarily among African Americans, with some Jamaican immigrant influence. The term rap is often used synonymously with hip hop, however, the latter denotes the practices of an entire subculture.

Rapping, also referred to as MCing emceeing, is a vocal style in which the artist speaks lyrically, in the rhyme and verse, generally to an instrumental or synthesised  beat. Beats, almost always in 4/4 time signature, can be created by looping portions of other songs, usually by a DJ, or sampled from portions of other songs by a producer. Modern beats incorporate synthesisers, drum machines and live bands. Rappers may write, memorised or improvised their lyrics and perform their works as cappella or to a beat.

The roots of hip hop are found in Africans Americans music. the griots of west Africa are a group of travelling singers and poets who are part of an oral tradition dating back hundreds of years. Their vocal style is similar to that of rappers.

This music video of Run DMC called "it like that" this video is classed as the best first in new school hi hop rap and came from predominately new york city. the new school was initially characterised from by drum machine, often tinged with elements of rock.
Now days, rappers would raps about what they have been through and what is happening, they would use strong language.

Kendrick Lamar is an Amercian hip hop artist who raps about what he believes in and stands for. Kendrick Lamar raps about peace and politics. He mainly raps about what he has been through.

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